One of the areas we are frequently asked about is the practical method of application of our ozone-based solutions. So, here are a couple of scenarios that we see regularly to help give some context.
We want to be very clear about something here at Ozofresh. We don’t expect blind faith in ozone product solutions. In fact, we want you to ask the hard questions. We understand that if you haven’t experienced the results then you could have reservations. The more we know about what your problems with odour and virus containment - the more we can help you resolve them. If you have questions after reading this article just use our contact form here, call us on 0844 248 0107 and we will be happy to talk.
We will also tell you if we can’t help and we will be happy to do so. We have been working with care homes for over a decade and they have been instrumental in how we developed our range. That means we can advise you in the right way, whatever the outcome. The vast majority of the time though, we can help with existing odour and virus issues and even help to offset developing and potential ones.
The problem that develops:
With dementia care, incontinence is usually unavoidable. When you cannot change the cause, it becomes about handling the situation in the best way possible.
Incontinence has a very recognisable and pungent odour. That means it is a red flag for anyone who encounters it. The associations it attracts (usually unfairly) are around cleanliness problems and insanitary conditions. Anyone who knows anything about a dementia care environment will tell you that smelling clean and being clean are different things. With urine odours, the smell can linger despite even a deep clean. This is because odour particles have soaked into the soft furnishings. Sprays and chemicals are simply not going to do anything but mask the smell.
Secondly, it is often regularly re-introduced into a relatively small, often warm environment with diminished air quality. The result of this is a concentration of the odour particles. The odours that have already been absorbed by the carpet, curtains, and so on, are revitalised by the warm rooms and unfortunately the residents will also regularly add to them.
Neither of these issues has anything to do with how clean the room is most of the time. We all know that to be the case but CQC expect a clean-smelling environment and Age Concern advises checking for incontinence odours as an indication of the quality of the care in the home.
So with no way to stop the odours occurring, there is only one way to successfully deal with them, and that is to destroy the particles that cause the smell. This is one of the reasons chemicals are sometimes ineffective. They are not actually doing anything to the particles, just adding more, stronger smelling ones into the already pungent mix.
There is a very easy way to deal with the odours using two of our products. The Eclipse Pro (the largest, most powerful member of our family) and the PlugIn (designed for long term odour control)
Firstly, Remove the resident from the room or start this process prior to a new occupancy. Now, just close the curtains, stand up and cushions, strip the mattress and close all the windows. This is to make sure the ozone can circulate.
Once the time is up, the Eclipse Pro has finished its work the room is safe to use and the resident can be returned. If there is any residual ozone scent, it will quickly dissipate.
So, now your room that is odour free, the next step is to keep it that way.
A Plugin has a lifespan of at least 12 months and sometimes longer and will usually work out more cost effective than sprays, or perfume plug devices. Once installed it needs no further attention and does not require refills or topping up with chemicals for the life of the product. In some cases, it needs to run permanently, in others, you may want to use it as needed. It all depends on the level of odour in the room. The team will soon get used to flicking the switch when the odour is around.
We then suggest that you repeat the Eclipse Pro process as needed, or perhaps on a cycle with your deep cleaning schedule. Go with whatever works for you practically and always return the Plugin to the room to keep returning odours at bay. You will soon find an equilibrium based on how much the odour is re-introduced, the existing odours levels and so forth.
Occasionally the odour is too ingrained for the Eclipse Pro to deal with in one session. If you find you still have an odour problem after use, try increasing the dose time and repeating the treatment. Very occasionally, despite the extra sessions and help and advice from us, you will encounter a room that still has a urine smell. This rarely happens but if the smell is so deeply ingrained in the carpet and curtains that even we cannot remove it, well, it’s probably time for a refit. Once the refit is done, use the Eclipse Pro and Plugin as above to prevent the problem from returning.
Scenario 2 – Odours gathering in public areas and corridors
Again, this is one of the most common enquiries we get. It often comes as a follow up from a care home that has recently purchased an Eclipse Pro and witnessed how powerful they are.
As you saw in the last scenario the Eclipse range is used for shock treatment in empty rooms. However, odours have the nasty habit of ‘pooling’. What that means is that the free floating particles tend to gather in certain places. These include:
Because there tends to be limited airflow in these areas, the air quality diminishes rapidly, and then the room traps and holds medical, incontinence, cooking and bodily odours.
Receptions in particular are prone to the problem because the odours waft in from the main building. The issue now is that everyone visiting your facility is either instantly greeted with ‘care home’ smell or the overpowering smell of sprays and perfumes.
The solution using the Aura and Plugin – Timed odour control with variable output.
What you need in this scenario is to maintain a constant odour destruction process. As you have almost constant occupation though, your options are to introduce a regulated and safe background amount of ozone that will slowly deal with the problem and keep the odour away.
With the right combination of Aura and Plugin Products, you can be sure that the air is constantly being refreshed and cleaned to keep odours at bay. When your visitors arrive, they will be greeted with clean, fresh air and that will continue throughout their visit… wherever they go.