Recently, Ozofresh were asked to visit The Marriott Hotel in Bristol City Centre to discuss solutions to serious damp odour issues in two rooms within the building.
The hotel management team asked that we survey the rooms that had been damaged by flooding and had been offline, therefore, losing valuable revenue over a couple of summer months.
Whilst the rooms would have needed deep cleaning by housekeepers and perhaps even re-decorating, the hotel required a solution for dealing with strong odours emanating from the rooms and throughout the hotel at varying times.
In one of the affected rooms, Ozofresh demonstrated that the Eclipse Pro 10 Ozone Generator with built in destruct system was successful in removing the damp odours.
The hotel decided the return on investment on an outright purchase of the ozone generator was well worth it against the loss of income and the option of getting both rooms back on inventory far more quickly than they had anticipated.
Marriott International has been very pleased with the service and solutions offered in this case and are keen to extend the relationship at other hotels within their estate.